Gabriel Ventura
188 p.
ISBN: 978-84-7226-880-7


is a mixture of poetry, fiction and epistolary literature that draws on many different genres and techniques (collage, textual sampling, appropriationism). It begins with the framing device of a mystery box found by the main character, which leads to a fragmentary reflection on the world that we live in and, at the same time, the developing of a very unconventional love story. The book takes its title from the main character, W, a man that makes a living by travelling to cities all around the world with a strange mission: transporting a red toad with mysterious powers. W blindly follows the orders of his superiors, invisible and powerful beings that will send him to shabby hotel rooms in the most remote and uncharted places. From these rooms W writes letters, poems and all kinds of passing thoughts to Anastasia, his lover —whom the reader will only get to know through W’s words. Letters, poems and thoughts that are send not only from many different corners of the world, but also, so it appears, from different eras: the mid-19th century, the early 20th, the 21st or even the 22nd century. Who does W work for? Who are his superiors? Why is he able to time travel? We present a book in which the role of the reader is crucial: a reader-player that has the possibility to complete the meaning of the fiction by paying attention to the clues hidden in the poems and in all the graphic content that illustrates its pages.