Edicions Poncianes«Books with body and soul»

A meeting between letters and textures. Unique books in Catalan that will absorb you from touch to sense. Poetry, great authors, essay and more.


This book is a political and artistic artifact. A requiem, a mass for the dead where Juana Dolores invokes the Catalan nation and, at the same time, interprets it. For this reason, with a radically feminine, national and popular style...
Diving into the wreck, a National Book Award-winning book, was written at a moment of impasse between the life Rich had known until then and the life that awaited her. Her husband of seventeen years committed suicide in the fall...
In this book, Ivette Nadal delves into what drives her: friendships, poetry, philosophy and song. Her new poetic melody takes the form of an aphorism, often silence and a question. She does not stop dialoguing with her work and there...
Poema en forma de rosa és un dels llibres de poemes més importants de Pasolini que publiquem pel centenari del seu naixement. en coedició amb l\'Ajuntament de Barcelona. Edició bilingüe, traduït per Xavier Valls, amb pròleg de Ricard Vinyes.


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