
Enric Casasses
166 p.
ISBN: 978-84-7226-847-0


The last book of Enric Casasses consists of three essays in verse on three illustrious characters who have attracted Casasses: Antoni Gaudí, Niccolò Paganini and Josep Blanch i Reynalt. Three small works that review three creative universes seen through the eyes of a poet who knows them thoroughly.

In the first essay, Casasses reviews Paganini’s only “religious” piece, and through verse leads us through the various movements of the work, with changes in intensity and melody. At the same time, it reviews the life of the Italian composer and his time.

In the second, we find a very personal vision of Antoni Gaudí and the influence he has had on the Catalan poet. Casasses’ verses are sprinkled with Gaudí’s notes that bring us closer to the character and reveal creative aspects that may not be so well known.

Finally, the third is a walk through the sardana “Amb el porró en fresc” by Josep Blanch i Reynalt, where a reflection on the traditions of the popular classes that are little by little being lost, the figure of the sardanist and the various pieces he composed, all accompanied by old photographs and some sheet music.

The book has a peculiar binding: each essay has a different width, so that a scale of three page widths is created, coinciding with the change of essay. Two of the essays are written without capitals because Casasses declares: “as long as the judgment against the Jordis Cuixart and Sánchez is not annulled I will only write in lowercase.”

Some press about it (in Catalan):

L’Irradiador d’ICAT, 3/11/20
Els “assagets” d’Enric Casasses
Conversa de David Guzman amb l’autor:

Revista La Lectora, 13/10/20
Epicuris espuris
Crítica literària de Gerard Cisneros:

La Llança (El Nacional), 13/10/20
Enric Casasses: “La poesia és un joc d’equip”
Ressenya de Joan Safont Plumed.

El Temps de les Arts, 27/9/20
Els assagets d’en Casasses
Crítica literària completa d’en Pere Antoni Pons., setembre 2020
Paganini escoltat per Casasses
Tast editorial de l’obra:

Els experts · ICAT, 17/9/20
Lluís Ruiz recomana Assagets i Pitó.

Diari ARA, 10/10/20
Enric Casasses: “Abans teníem una civilització. Ara tenim un imperi”
Entrevista d’Antoni Bassas al poeta:

Àrtic · Betevé, 15/10/20
Resum del Barcelona Poesia
Recital a la Biennal del Pensament i petita entrevista:, octubre 20
Enric Casasses: «De l’anar fent no en dic sobreviure, sinó viure»
Conversa de Gemma Ventura amb el poeta.

Diari Núvol, 4/9/20
Enric Casasses, versos d’honor
Entrevista de Bernat Puigtobella.
Enric Casasses | Foto: Laia Serch

Acte inaugural, Setmana del Llibre en Català, 3/9/20
Intervenció d’Enric Casasses
(minut 32:45)


Òmnium Cultural, 21/10/20
Vídeo resum de l’acte d’entrega:

Diari Núvol · Glossa de Bel Olid:
«Casasses no casasseja»

Notícies 324 · resum de l’entrega:
Casasses converteix en un recital poètic
la cerimònia d’entrega del Premi d’Honor

Diari Núvol · Article sobre l’entrega
Casasses a la taula dels grans