Bèsties 15. Dickinson

Emily Dickinson
ISBN: 978-84-7226-881-4


17 beautiful poems by one of the most singular voices in American literature, selected and translated by Míriam Cano.

«The entirety of Emily Dickinson’s poetic work —a corpus of 1800 poems— can be structured around five main themes: love, death and immortality, nature, pain and anguish, and religious experience. In this selection I have focused mainly on her metaphysical poetry. I find it overwhelming that someone who spent her years in almost complete reclusion could have such a vast inner life and could question with such deep understanding the role of people in the transit of life, and the possibilities of afterlife.» (From Míriam Cano’s foreword)


Bèsties is a wallpaper collection that combines the poetry and the portraits of some of the most acclaimed authors of universal literature. A selection of excerpts —posthumous, unpublished, forgotten— are presented in a groundbreaking format by the translators, current Catalan poets. The posters escape the parcelling of conventional pagination to project in a single canvas the unity of meaning emanating from the poems. Each wallpaper comes with a separate front page including a foreword by the translator, which contextualizes their selection and situates the author in their context.