Bèsties 16. Woolf

Virginia Woolf
ISBN: 978-84-7226-882-1


We publish an excerpt from one of Viginia Woolf’s first short stories. Right after her first novel, The Voyage Out, Woolf wrote “The Mark on the Wall”, which she published alongside a text of her husband in the publishing house they founded together. The work displays, on one hand, her experimenting with interior monologue, which she would later fully develop in the celebrated Mrs Dalloway. On the other, the stream of thought that she evokes lets the reader into the mind of an author still free from the burden of recognition and acclaim who, precisely because of that, is presented to the reader in the most earnest and visceral of ways.


Bèsties is a wallpaper collection that combines the poetry and the portraits of some of the most acclaimed authors of universal literature. A selection of excerpts —posthumous, unpublished, forgotten— are presented in a groundbreaking format by the translators, current Catalan poets. The posters escape the parcelling of conventional pagination to project in a single canvas the unity of meaning emanating from the poems. Each wallpaper comes with a separate front page including a foreword by the translator, which contextualizes their selection and situates the author in their context.