Bèsties 3. Pasolini

Pier Paolo Pasolini
ISBN: 978-84-7226-969-9


Francesc Gelonch and Lucia Pietrelli collect nineteen poems taken from Pasolini’s early journals, which illustrate his shift towards a realist, experimental and militant poetry. These are concise poems, intimate and epigrammatic notes that, for some reason, were never included in the collections he published in his lifetime. In them, he gives up being exemplary to a society that rejects him, as he openly expresses many of the obsessions that would haunt him later in his life.

Pier Paolo Pasolini (Bologna, 1922 – Ostia, 1975) was an Italian writer, poet and film director. His poetic work, as well as his essays and his production as a journalist, combatively questioned official Marxism and Catholicism, censuring their poor understanding of the cultural background of their own proletarian and rural bases.


Bèsties is a wallpaper collection that combines the poetry and the portraits of some of the most acclaimed authors of universal literature. A selection of excerpts —posthumous, unpublished, forgotten— are presented in a groundbreaking format by the translators, current Catalan poets. The posters escape the parcelling of conventional pagination to project in a single canvas the unity of meaning emanating from the poems. Each wallpaper comes with a separate front page including a foreword by the translator, which contextualizes their selection and situates the author in their context.