Ignosi is Màrius Sampere’s latest poetry collection. His poems are as daring and amitious as those of the masters of the genre, but he is not inspired by the mere accumulation of knowledge —always so limited for every human brain— or the wisdom of those who are driven by the reaching of a balance, of a certain sense of reconciliation with the world. Sampere, who thinks of our world as a chaotic, arbitrary, whimsical place, wants to make no peace with it. He battles and raises his voice against it, disgusted with its pain, with the death of those who have nourished it with tenderness and dreams. The poetry of Màrius Sampere becomes, then, even more elegiac and striking, as he demands himself that everything must be questioned. He discusses these topics from the very title of the book, Ignosi, which takes us to the notion of being unaware of the essential, giving a more abstract or absolute dimension to the meaning we attribute to the word ‘ignorance’. Ignosi, a collection written in 2014, right after the completion of Ningú més i l’ombra, presents clear similarities with that work. Ignosi summons us from the specific moment, from the grain of sand, to the ocean of mystery and reminds us of the nakedness of humanity in front of a vertiginous universe. As Sampere concludes in “Els universos dominen”, “Silence triggers the clamor of the spheres”.